Friday, July 12, 2019

Laravel Seed Multiple Tables

Laravel includes a simple method of seeding your database with test data using seed classes. all seed classes are stored in the database/seeds directory. seed classes may have any name you wish, but probably should follow some sensible convention, such as userstableseeder, etc. by default, a databaseseeder class is defined for you.. I'm re-writing some php/mysql to work with laravel. one thing i would like to do is make the db queries more succinct with the fluent query builder but i'm a bit lost: select p.post_text, p.bbcode.... I have a project that consists of 2 mysql connections (one for database 1 for admin, one for database 2 for users). i want to create a seeder file to seed the admin so it generates a "default admin user"..

I was wondering if it's possible to insert multiple rows like this (or something like this): <?php use illuminatedatabaseseeder; class settingtableseeder extends seeder { /** * run the database seeds.. Laravel seeder is a powerful feature. learn how to create dummy factory data with laravel seeders from this step by step tutorial with syntax and example. topics like how to create seeder, call seeder from command, routes, controller & migration and run seeder are discussed.. Allows you to "version" seeds the same way that laravel currently handles migrations. running php artisan seed will only run seeds that haven't already been run. prompts you if your database is in production. allows you to run multiple seeds of the same model/table; overrides laravel's seeding commands. smartseeder will fire when you run.

laravel seed multiple tables